“My little girl loved every minute of her time there and learnt so much from the dedicated staff who knew them all individually and looked after them so lovingly.”
15 Month Club
We offer parents, grandparents and carers, to come along with their child to experience a group that is a step further than 'Mother and Toddler'. We welcome toddlers aged 15 months up until they start preschool.
Our group meets every Friday in term time, the hours being; 1.00pm-3.00pm. The session is managed by preschool staff, they are on hand to offer advice and to provide toys and equipment to support your child's learning development. There are different activities each week and a creative table is always available; painting, collage and sand/water play!
This session is an ideal stepping stone into our preschool as adults and children will often find the transition easier due to feeling secure and knowing familiar faces and environment.
Why not come along and take advantage of a free trial session, a warm and friendly welcome awaits you.
If you require any further details please contact the preschool.
Please see attached the relevant application form: